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Children First: Oklahoma's Nurse Family Partnership

Children First is designed to support women less than 29 weeks pregnant who are going to be mothers for the first time. Certain income requirements must be met to participate in the program. Services are offered until the child’s second birthday.

Children First visits are provided by a Registered Nurse in the family's home or location of the family's choice.

Children First Nurses:

  • Monitor the health of mom during pregnancy and baby after birth
  • Answer questions about pregnancy, labor and delivery and care of baby
  • Assist mom in understanding her child’s emotional and physical needs
  • Help mom develop a plan for work, school or other life goals – before and after baby arrives
  • Connect mom to resources in her community


SafeCare is a parenting program that offers in home services to help parents reduce stress by providing education and support in parent-child interaction, children's safety, healthy childhood growth and development, and healthy relationships.



Parents As Teachers

“Parents are their children’s first and most influential teachers”  

Parents as Teachers offer periodic developmental screenings )language, motor, intellectual and social-emotional), vision and hearing screenings.  

Parents as Teachers offers:

  • Personal Visits – Parent Educators provide personalized information about child development, as well as other topics that are important to parents. The program promotes strong parent-child relationships
  • Group Connections – Provides parents with the opportunities to gain new insights, share experiences and talk about topics of interest. Parents learn from one another, support each other and observe their children interacting with other children
  • Screening  Parents as Teachers offer periodic developmental screenings (language, motor, intellectual and social-emotional), vision and hearing. The goal is to provide early detection of potential developmental delays and health issues to avoid difficulties later in school
  • Resource Network    Parents Educators link families to resources in the community, establish ongoing relationships with other organizations that serve families and assist with referrals when needed.