You can look through the services listed below and call the agencies directly.
You can look through the services listed below and call the agencies directly.
You can contact us via e-mail or by phone at 1-877-271-7611, and a representative will help you find the services that will best serve you and your family.
You can answer a short questionaire by clicking here and a parentPRO representative will find the services that will best serve you and your family.
Provides no cost personal nurse visits to women during their pregnancy and for two years after delivery. The public health nurse provides brief health screenings for mothers and babies; answers questions about pregnancy, parenting and child developement and connects the family to resources including health, education, employment, housing and legal assistance. Our services are individually tailored to meet the unique needs of our participants.
Address: 4323 NW 63rd Street, Suite 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Telephone: (405) 400-8722
Fax Number: (405) 232-0050
Enrollment Criteria: To qualify for the program, women must be first time mothers, eligible for Medicaid or WIC services and must enroll in Children First before their 29th week of pregnancy.
Provides no cost personal nurse visits to women during their pregnancy and for two years after delivery. The public health nurse provides brief health screenings for mothers and babies; answers questions about pregnancy, parenting and child developement and connects the family to resources including health, education, employment, housing and legal assistance. Our services are individually tailored to meet the unique needs of our participants.
Address: Oklahoma City-County Health Department Children First 2400 NW 36th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Contact: Sara Young, Children First Program Administrator
Telephone: (405) 419-4106
Fax: (405) 425-4413
Enrollment Criteria: To qualify for the program, women must be first time mothers, eligible for Medicaid or WIC services and must enroll in Children First before their 29th week of pregnancy.
Parent Promise - Family Resource Center strives to support families to be strong, healthy and successful. We offer parenting support & education, access to resources, child development activites, parent leadership development and more.
Address: 4323 NW 63rd, Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Contact: Abigail Clayton
Telephone: (405) 497-8236
Enrollment Criteria: Oklahoma County families with children ages 0-21.
The program offers home-based, center-based, and community-based services that are prevention- oriented, child-centered, and family-focused. LCDA enhances family functioning, promotes positive parent-child interaction, and healthy childhood growth and development.
Address: 420 Southwest 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Contact: Patty DeMoraes-Huffine
Telephone: (405) 236-0701 ext. 147
Fax: (405) 236-2802
Enrollment Criteria: To qualify, the family must reside in Oklahoma County, have one child 5 years-old or younger, and not have an open child welfare case.
Exchange Parent Aide provides in-home family support to families with a child(ren) from pre-natal to age 12. Services are family centered and focus on: child safety, problem solving skills, parenting skills and social support.
Address: 4323 NW 63rd Suite 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Contact: Shawna Norman
Telephone: (405) 232-2500
Fax: (405) 232-0050
Get connected with a family support program staffed by a specially trained professional who teach parenting skills and child developments, as well as ways to reduce stress and nurture your child. We can connect you to other resources in your community in order to meet your family's needs.
Address: 420 Southwest 10th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Contact: Monica Inciarte
Telephone: (405) 236-0701
Enrollment Criteria: Pregnant women, moms, dads, and guardians of young children birth to kindergarten.
Parents as Teachers builds strong communities, thriving families, children that are healthly, safe and ready to learn by matching parents and caregivers with trained professionals who provide home-based parenting support during a child's earliest years in life; from prenatal through kindergarten completion.
Address: 1821 NW 21st St., Oklahoma City, OK 73106
Contact: Yolanda Lucero
Telephone: (405) 587-0360; (405) 587-0363; (405) 587-0362
Enrollment Criteria: PAT is a free program for families of children birth to age three through your local public school district.
Get connected witha family support program staffed by specially trained professionals who teach parenting skills and child developments, as well as ways to reduce stress and nurture your child. We can connect you to other resources in your community in order to meet your family's needs.
Address: 4323 NW 63rd Street, Suite 200 Oklahoma City, OK 73116
Contact: Shawna Norman
Telephone: (405) 232-2500
Fax: (405) 232-0050
Enrollment Criteria: Pregnant women, moms, dads, or guardians of children birth to kindergarten
A free parenting program delivered in your home to help reduce stress by providing support, education and resources. Education focuses on parent-child interaction, managing child behavior, health, safety and healthy relationships.
Address: 2617 General Pershing Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73107
Contact: Dwan McDonald
Telephone: (405) 858-2725
Fax: (405) 858-1791
Enrollment Criteria: Families must have at least one child under the age of 6 and reside in Oklahoma, Cleveland, Canadian, Comanche, Carter, McClain, Stephens, Grady, Kay, and Garfield county.
Voluntary program that provides services and support for mothers and fathers before, during and after pregnancy to assist them in having health babies.
Address: 1006 NE 17th St. (Third Floor)
Contact: Tahirah Watley
Telephone: (405) 427-3200
Enrollment Criteria: Women of childbearing age, pregnant women, mothers and their babies, infants and children under 18 months of age, and expecting fathers or fathers of a child under 18 months. Expecting mothers and expecting fathers, or have a child under the age of two, and live in the targeted zip code areas. No fee for services.
Child Guidance staff provides fee-based services that fall into four general categories: Services to Individual Children and Families, Educational Services to the General Population, Services to professionals, and Community Development.
The program has three professional components designed to interface to provide a continuum of services to build healthy family relationships and enhance child development. These include Behavioral Health Services, Childhood Development and Parent Education Service, and Speech Language Services.
Address: 1100 NE 13 Street Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Contact Name: Robyn Sears
Telephone: (405) 271-5700
Website: Child Guidance Program (
Enrollment Criteria: Child Guidance services are available to families of children birth up to age 13. Services are provided on a sliding scale based on income and number of people in the family. Child Guidance services are covered under SoonerCare.
Circle of Parents offers the opportunity to participate in weekly, bi-monthly or montly meetings with other parents to exchange ideas, share information, develop and practice new parenting skills, learn about community resources and give and receive support. Groups are parent-led witht he support of a trained group facilitator. They are conducted in a confidential and non-judgemental manner, are free of charge and provide developmentally appropriate children's programs or child care concurrent with the parent group meetings.
Address: 2600 NE 63rd Oklahoma City, OK
Contact Name:Kalyn Murphy
Enrollment Criteria: Anyone acting in a parenting role or as a child's primary caregiver is eligible to participate in Circle of Parents
Circle of Parents offers the opportunity to participate in weekly, bi-weekly or montly meetings with other parents to exchange ideas, share information, develop and practice new parenting skills, learn about community resources and give and receive support. Groups are parent-led with the support of a trained group facilitator. They are conductted in a confidential and non-judgmental manner, are free of charge and provide developmentally appropriate children's programs or child care concurrent with the parent group meetings.
Address: 1100 NE 13th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Contact Name:Robyn Sears
Telephone: 405-271-5700
Enrollment Criteria: Anyone in a parenting role or as a child's primary caregiver is eligible to participate in Circle of Parents.
Free program to help prepare you for your new baby, strengthen your relationship with your co-parent and connect you with job opportunities to better provide for your family.
Address: 3 East Main Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Contact: Family Expectations
Telephone: (405) 639-2054
Website: Home - Family Expectations
Enrollment Criteria: 18 years or older, pregnant or just had a baby in the last 3 moths, Mom and Dad are in a committed relationship
Infant Crisis Services provides formula, food, diapers, blankets, clothing, and other basic necessities by appointment. These services are available four times annually to children birth-age 3.
Address: 4224 N. Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Contact: Referrals
Telephone: (405) 528-3663
Enrollment Criteria: For any parent or guardian that is an emergency situation needing food, diaper, clothes, etc. for children birth to 3 years old. They are allowed 4 visits per child total.
OkCity Crisis Nursery steps in and fills important roles for parents who do not have the support system around which eliminates the need for parents to seek unsafe childcare options. Some examples include: Emergency medical procedures, Birth of another child, Job interviews, Job or Marital stress, PPD or Mental Health Issues and Homelessness.
Address: 2524 NW 52nd St., Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Contact: Jennifer Roberts
Telephone: (405) 979-0706
Enrollment Criteria: Please contact Jennifer
Residential childcare for children from hurting families, children with minor behavioral/disciplinary issues or children without parents. Housing/support for single mothers having limited or no support. Unplanned pregnancy professional medical support.
Address: 3800 N. May Ave., Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Contact: Diane Glennie
Telephone: (405) 309-2826
Enrollment Criteria: Children's Homes for children ages 6 to 18 from hurting families, exhibiting minor behavioral/disciplinary issues, or with no parents. Single mothers over 18 with custody of at least one child. Unplanned pregnancy professional medical support.
Address: Oklahoma City County Health Department 921 Northeast 23rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Telephone: (405) 425-4406
Enrollment Criteria: Recent infant loss; voluntary participation. FIMR attempts to conduct a home interview with all families who have lost an infant.
Address: Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services 2000 N. Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73106
Contact: Jean Sims
Telephone: (405) 248-9318
Website: Systems of Care (
Enrollment Criteria: Kids 0-21 and their families, with a serious emotional disturbance and involved in two or more child serving systems and at risk for out of home placement.
Help families in locating and navigating appropriate resources regarding health, social, and educational services for children and youth with special needs within their community.
Address: 940 NE 13th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73104
Contact: Ana Salas-Ocampo
Telephone: (405) 534-8000
Enrollment Criteria: Serving families who have children with special needs; birth to 21 years of age, with free resource and referral information. No diagnostic criteria or income requirements as any family with a child having developmental diabilities, chronic medical or mental health issues or those at risk for abuse and neglect will be assisted.
SoonerStart is Oklahoma's early intervention program designed to meet the needs of families with infants or toddlers (ages birth to 3 years old) with developmental delays. The program builds toddler's learning and development through every day learning opportunities.
Services include evaluation services, case management, family training, counseling, home visits, certain health services, nursing & nutrition services, occupational, physical, speech- language therapy, and special instruction. Can be provided in home or at daycare.
Address: Oklahoma County SoonerStart 123 Robert S. Kerr, Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Contact: Please ask for SoonerStart
Telephone: (405) 426-8494
State Lead: Mark Sharp, Executive Director, Special Education Services
Website: SoonerStart
Qualification Criteria: Developmentally delayed infants and toddlers birth – 36 months.
Children in Head Start/Early Head Start take part in a variety of activities that help them grow mentally, socially, physically, and emotionally. The program is designed to provide young children with school readiness and is completely free of charge to all families who qualify. Enrolled children get free health care, including medical and dental exams and immunizations, as well as healthy meals and snacks. They offer a wide range of educational & social services for children birth to 4 years old. Parents are not required to provide diapers, formula or baby food.
Address: 1100 NW 14th St., Oklahoma City, OK 73106
Contact: Betty Wilson
Telephone: (405) 609-3308
Website: Home - Sunbeam Family Services
Enrollment Criteria: Children must be 0-3 years old
Locations Served: Oklahoma County
The goals of PCAP are to help individuals with substance use disorders to obtain substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and stay in recovery, link mothers to community resources that will help them build and maintain healthy family lives for themselves and their children and precent future drug and alcohol use during pregnancy.
Address: 2915 N. Classen Blvd. Ste. 502, Oklahoma City, OK 73106
Contact: Dr. Angela Harnden
Telephone: (405) 876-2095
Enrollment Criteria: Individuals who are pregant or up to 24 months postpartum, used alcohol or drugs during pregnancy, including opoid medication for opiod use disorders (OUD), are ineffectively connected to communtiy services OR individuals who have a child with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), are currently abusing alcohol, are in their childbearing years. These services are in Oklahoma and Tulsa County.
Address: 72MDOS/SGOW 5700 Arnold Street Tinker AFB, OK 73145
Contact: Family Advocacy
Telephone: (405) 734-4390
Website: Home (
Enrollment Criteria: Military service members and their family members who are eligible for medical care including those who are pregnant or have a child under age 3 at Tinker Air Force Base.